Bridging the Magical and Mundane

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift, and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”

-Albert Einstein

About Ritual Resonance


We experience an overwhelm of information and resort to distractions that inevitably become addiction. Dopamine, our hormone and neurotransmitter of pleasure and motivation, becomes our constant source of energy. Instead of creating the life we imagine, we suffer burnout and confusion. We endure suboptimal health and anxiety fearing that time is passing us by--slowly if we’re emotionally tapped out, quickly if we’re keeping ourselves busy.


One day we hear that faint whisper that we might have been doing life all wrong. We begin to understand that we’ve been living according to our conditioning to get along, to survive, to receive love, to get acknowledgment, to receive our value by what we do and accumulate.


And when that awakening happens, things naturally fall away and we work really hard to keep them or surrender to the process. It is here where thinking and logic become limiting, and old paradigms no longer work. This is when the true work of unraveling, reimagining, recreating, and rebuilding begins.

Ritual Resonance combines metaphysics and logic to expand our consciousness. Evolution doesn't necessarily mean progressing or becoming new, but rather creating nuance in our tapestry of existence. We welcome and embrace all beings desiring to connect to their Highest Selves and to the wisdom of the Conscious Collective.



Rituals are sacred habits done in reverence for a desired outcome. Resonance is attunement knowing all of life is energy.


Going into the session with Monica I thought I was gonna get an inspirational, astrological boost on my soul business and brand. It turned out, I got WAY more than that. 

I experienced something I still, several days later, keep getting deeper levels of aha moments from. I thought I had a pretty good understanding about my patterns in life but after Monica translated my chart, I have deepened that understanding and with it a new level of self-compassion, which we all know can transmute even the deepest wound. I am so grateful for this experience and to have crossed paths with Monica. 

To be honest, I haven't been that wowed by astrology before. But after this session with Monica, I have no other choice than to admit that it is WOW indeed. All thanks to a guide like Monica who translates your chart for you in a way that is so personalised and clear. Her wisdom runs deep and you can tell she LOVES what she's doing. (prepare to be spoiled with additional resources and tips!). 

I felt so seen and heard during our session and I think that's why I got so emotional also. 

I now see myself as the leader I'm here to be and I am so excited to play with this new confident version of me who feels her strengths and how to connect with her audience more. 

If you also desire a deeper connection with yourself and your business, don't hesitate to reach out to Monica and book your session today. 

-Elsa Pettersson, Stockholm, Sweden

Monica Paredes


“One does not become enlightened by imagining the figures of light,

but by making the darkness conscious.” -Carl Jung


Midwife for the Evolutionary Process

Monica’s first job at 16 was at Comstock, Ferre & Co., the oldest seed company in America, making wreaths and arrangements. It was here she fell in love with herbs and attuned to the New England seasons, spending time at Caprilands Herb Farm learning from Adelma Grenier Simmons, owner, author, herbalist, and resident witch. When not at high school, Monica lectured at garden clubs and botanical and tree societies, immersing herself deeply in empirical learning before teaching. Her first co-founded company at the age of 17 sold dried flower and herb creations wholesale to Crabtree & Evelyn and other finer retail stores. In a quest for earth knowledge and history, she studied with prolific author Rosemary Gladstar (herbalist), Laurie Cabot (high priestess), Agneta Borstein (astrologer), and Bonnie Nadeau (Tarot).


Having many planets in Earth, with an Ascendant, Sun, and Mercury (all in 1st) in Capricorn, and a Taurus (4th) Moon led Monica to The University of Connecticut where in her dorm, Holcomb, she would host talks about herbs, making baked goods as an incentive to attend. Although Monica entered college with a pre-law curriculum, it was her teaching assistant role with Professor Michael Meyer that changed the trajectory of her career to writing after helping his research and having her paper published in the third edition of The Bedford Introduction to Literature.


Monica’s first job after college was as a Software Specialist for the Connecticut Business & Industries Association. Although technically focused, she was also able to write for the CBIA News and organized learning lunches and holiday craft fairs where employees could showcase their passions and skills, establishing deeper connections within the company. From CBIA, she went on to work in other fields to build skills in consumer packaging, design, and production, before starting her own communications and marketing consultancy in 1996, with Pitney Bowes as her first client, followed by other Fortune 100, educational institutions, and government agencies.


Monica received her Yoga Teacher certification from the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health in 2000 and after teaching in various studios across the U.S., hosted her first international retreat in 2004, InSabina Italy. With a focus on teachers and students, she became certified in Angel Bear Yoga and Next Generation Yoga leading training for classroom educators. She wrote and co-published The Art of the Yamas and Niyamas with Bruce Bowditch, which sold over a thousand copies globally, including at the Omega Center in New York, Kripalu in Massachusetts, and the Yoga Institute in Australia. Monica created the pre-K curriculum “Bringing Virtues to Life,” which incorporates diverse learning styles and included movement, creative expression, and breathwork for Unity Church of the Hills.


While preparing to expand her family in New Jersey, she attended the International Center for Photography. She worked as a professional photographer specializing in portraiture and story-telling through “Day in a Life” books. Her son Gabriel continues to be her constant inspiration and photographic subject to his chagrin.


In 2014, she graduated from the Auguste Escoffier School of Culinary Arts with a specialization in Baking and Pastry Arts and hosted her first gastronomic tour in Tuscany, Italy with Chef David Bull. Monica also volunteered in a production role for various culinary events such as "Chefs Under Fire," "Sommes Under Fire," and "Citywide 86'd" as well as at major food festivals like Food and Wine and Austin City Limits Festival.


In 2018 she served as a fractional CMO for a fitness software startup and in 2019 co-founded Logictry, a low-code platform based on symbolic AI that captured expertise interactively for better decision-making. She exited in 2022 and serves as a mentor in brand strategy for various accelerators and incubators, including Tech Ranch, where she worked with the U.S. Embassy and the JIC in the Czech Republic to build bridges for startups ready to scale to global markets.


In a full-circle moment and now honoring her Venus in the 12th house of desiring to experience Love on a higher and more intimate level, she returns to her roots in astrology, Tarot, medical herbalism through food, and writing. She is a certified professional astrologer and consummate student of Adam Elenbaas, Chris Brennan, and Andrea Michelle Haekel; medical astrology with Kira Sutherland and Elizabeth Brookes; and medical herbalism with Sajah Popham, Judith Hill, and Ashley Elenbaas. Her Neptune in Scorpio in the 11th house of community and networks requires sharing this magical wisdom on a deeper level.


Monica’s outer planets of Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto in Virgo in the 9th house bring about transformation and innovation through traveling, learning, philosophy, and teaching. And true to this Saturn-ruled, 5-2 Emotional Manifesting Generator, she masters cycles. In this latter part of the wheel, Ritual Resonance is born.


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